Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.


Directors in attendance were Patrick Sammon, Richard Erbert, Don McClelland, Lance Gordon, Sue Dean Smith, Linda Moore and Dave Ellis. Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), was Dolores Sue.

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m.


There was one homeowner present


The Board reviewed the minutes of the July 18, 2006 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made, seconded and unanimously approved.


The security coordinator presented the report. It was a quiet month.


The treasurer gave the financial report as of July 31, 2006. The treasurer explained there are two CDs maturing in August. PCMI was instructed that upon maturity those monies shall be put in the operating account.


Update at Tennis Lessons/Coaching - Mr. Gordon presented the Board with a check from the tennis person who is giving lessons. It was reported that the association still needs to obtain a certificate of insurance naming the association as the insured as this will be required before any further coaching is conducted. Mr. Gordon took the action to obtain this certificate.

Swim Team Fees for Non Residents - The Board will follow up to collect those fees.

Driveway Repairs - The Board reviewed the list of driveway repairs that are needed. They discussed placing the driveway repairs on a priority list starting with the ones which are in most need of repair. At this time there is an article in the newsletter and on the web site that alerts residents of this issue. It is hoped that residents with such problems will begin addressing them on a voluntary basis as the damaged driveways do detract from the value of their homes.

Cul-de-sac Improvements - There has been no answer from the MUD Board. The Board also discussed that we have two MUD’s, 61 and 62, therefore, each MUD would have to be contacted. Mrs. Smith took the action to follow up on this.

Electrical Repairs – Mr. Ellis stated there were flag lights out at both Gatwick and Christopher Wren. He replaced the lamp at Gatwick but the unit at Christopher Wren is badly deteriorated and would need both a new ballast and lamp. Based on the overall condition he recommended replacing the complete unit as a more economical approach than purchasing individual parts.  The estimated price is about $360.00 The Board unanimously agreed to replace the unit.

Tennis Court Light Out – Mr. Ellis reported that he changed the lamp, but the light is still not working and must therefore need a new ballast. As this fitting is in good condition he will have the ballast replaced.

Meter Reading Issue – Mr. Ellis reported that the meter located at Christopher Wren has not been working for some time so he met the CenterPoint service technician to resolve the problem. This was traced to an open circuit on one of the phases required to drive the meter. This has now been repaired.

Lights at Diving Board – Mr. Ellis reported there are two lights at the diving board that continue to trip the GCFI breakers. The panel housing these breakers is badly corroded and could be the cause of the problem. If replacing this does not solve it the next step would be to replace both pool lamps. As this latter fix would be quite expensive the Board unanimously agreed to have the box replaced first, and only if this did not solve the problem to proceed with the pool lamp replacement.


Update on Katy Christian Ministries Baby Drive – Mr. Ellis reported the drive for baby care items went really well and the organizers had mentioned they would like to have one on a yearly basis. The Board confirmed that they would be happy to provide the same level of support that they gave this year, but that the responsibility for conducting an annual drive would have to remain with the KCM volunteers.

Homeowner Comments - The homeowner present at the meeting thanked the Board for replacing one of the flags and he wanted to know if  trees that are blocking the street light are trimmed by the county or CenterPoint. The Board instructed PCMI to check to see who would be responsible. He also asked who would be responsible for street repairs and the Board answered the county and he was given the number 281-463-6300.


At this time the Board adjourned to executive session for a hearing.

Due to the time constraint the deed restrictions and delinquency review were tabled