Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.  


Directors in Attendance were Alan Blair, Dave Ellis, Sue Dean Smith, Linda Moore, Richard Erbert, Don McClelland and Lance Gordon. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).

Stefanie Falk, the outgoing Board member, was also in attendance for the Security portion of the meeting, and Mr. Rogers visited briefly as mentioned below.

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.


Mrs. Falk presented the constable report.  She stated that she would be happy to review the procedure of preparing the report with the Board Member who will take over this responsibility. 

Mrs. Falk also stated that she would like, now as a non-Board member, to continue one of her previous responsibilities, that of welcoming new homeowners into the neighborhood. The Board thanked her and gratefully accepted her offer. She was also thanked for her past service to the Board.

Mr. Rogers presented a letter to the Board and excused himself from the meeting. The Board had been previously e-mailed a copy of this letter and will seek advice from the Association attorney and send a response.


A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to assign position of officers as follows:

President - Sue Dean Smith
Vice-President - Alan Blair 
Secretary - Don McClelland 
Treasurer - Richard Erbert

It was unanimously agreed that duties will be as follows:

Constable Coordinator – Linda Moore
Architectural Review – Don McClelland
Deed Restrictions – Linda Moore
Communication – Dave Ellis
Electrical – Dave Ellis
Pool /Clubhouse/Tennis Court – Alan Blair and co chaired by Lance Gordon
Landscape – Lance Gordon
Yard of the Month – Linda Moore 


The Board reviewed the minutes for the March 15, 2005 and April 19, 2005 meetings. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made, seconded and unanimously approved.


The security coordinator had presented the report earlier. Mrs. Smith reported that the flags at the entrance had been vandalized. The authorities did catch the person responsible and the Association will be pressing charges. The Association is looking for restitution. It was also discussed that perhaps purchasing a new rope that has a metal wire in it making it more difficult to cut the line, might be of benefit. It was also discussed that this is only the second time in three years that this has happened.


The Board reviewed the preliminary financials as the early date of the meeting, the bank statements had not been received for the month of April, 2005. The money in the bank was $429,572.24. This includes checking and money market accounts and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. 


Tennis Court Update – Mr. Blair reported that the new net has been installed.

Mr. Blair had obtained another proposal for the repair on the tennis court and it was decided to accept the low proposal from CL Sports for $895.00 plus tax for the repair only.

Mr. Blair stated he had obtained another proposal for painting of the poles at the recreation center, installing a new fence/gate at the trash area at the recreation center, power washing the tennis courts and installing a new stair way to the attic but all of these things were bundled together as one project plus material costs. After due discussion it was unanimously agreed that quotes will be obtained for the items separately with a total proposal price including labor and materials.

Ladies Tennis League – The Board unanimously agreed to accept the ladies offer to charge a league fee for each season to use the tennis courts.

Pool Modifications –Mr. Blair reported that the only items left to be done on the pool modifications are some more labeling in the pump room, installing a rope in the deep end of the pool and installing a new lifeguard chair.

MUD 61 MUD Land – At the annual meeting, a Municipal Utility District (MUD) 61 Board Member, Mr. Miller had reported the MUD is foreclosing on the land located at the end of Earl of Dunmore. The Board discussed the Association purchasing this land. It was unanimously decided that at this time the Association has no interest in this acquisition.


Window A/C Units - The Board discussed the deed restrictions and architectural guidelines concerning the restrictions on window air-conditioning units.

Fence Damage – Mr. Blair reported that there was graffiti on the fence at the end of Crutchfield and the Municipal Utility District Number 62 (MUD 62) will be taking care of it.

Fence on Franz Road – Mrs. Moore explained that she feels that now that construction is completed on Franz Road the fence should be more secure. She explained that the backyards are very close to the road and she would like to see a wall of some sort installed on Franz.

Perimeter Fence - It was unanimously agreed that Mr. Ellis will obtain quotes for walking the perimeter fence quarterly and repairing the pickets that need repaired or replaced to ensure the quality of the appearance of the exterior of the subdivision.

Homeowner Correspondence – A homeowner sent a letter to the Board concerning the clubhouse rental rules. The Board unanimously agreed to clarify the rental rules on the web site and newsletter.

Next Meeting Date – The next meeting will be held June 21, 2005.

The Board adjourned to executive session to discuss deed restriction violations and delinquencies.


With no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.