Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
NOVEMBER 20, 2007
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.  


Directors in attendance were Patrick Sammon, Dave Ellis, Cliff Johnson, Linda Moore, Lance Gordon and Sue Dean Smith.  Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), was Dolores Sue.

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.


There were no residents present.


Officers present were Captain Thurman, Captain Chappa and Deputy Hottman. The Board discussed various issues including lack of visibility of the deputies. The officers present stated they have been trying to be more visible but will certainly do whatever it takes to continue to do business with the subdivision. The Board thanked the officers for coming to the meeting.

The Board discussed the reward for vandalism. It was unanimously agreed to raise the reward to $500.00 for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught vandalizing Association property.


The Board reviewed the minutes of the October 16, 2007 meeting. There was a motion to accept the minutes as presented, seconded and unanimously approved.


The constable coordinator presented the constable report.

Dave Ellis, the treasurer, reviewed the financial statement as of October 31, 2007 with the directors. The money in the bank totaled $333,624.06 which includes checking, money market accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. Delinquencies totaled $5,912.11 as of October 31, 2007.

Dave Ellis made a motion that subject to availability of funds, the Association open one six (6) month CD in the amount of $50,000.00 in December, and in January open one six (6) month CD in the amount of $50,000 and one three (3) month CD in the amount of $100,000.  This will ensure that the 2008 maintenance funds accrue the maximum interest until they are drawn down to meet operational expenses as the year progresses. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Reserve Account Discussion – Dave Ellis presented the recent appraisal of Association assets conducted by Fisher-Smoucha Consulting under commission from HRH Insurance and compared this to the preliminary reserve study conducted by the Association earlier in the year. When the results were normalized the appraisal basically supported the results of the earlier reserve study which indicates that to be fully funded the reserve fund should currently contain in the order of $460K, over double its current value. Furthermore, this amount should be increasing by roughly $20 K per year. However, as for most other subdivisions, fiscal realities preclude this optimum level of funding. The Association had budgeted to contribute $8,000.00 to the reserve fund in 2007 but. after reviewing the numbers carefully, Dave Ellis proposed that if the year-end figures allow, in December 2007 the Association increase this to $16,000.00 recognizing that no significant transfer was budgeted for next year due to the difficult 2008 budget situation.  A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to fund the reserve $16,000.00 in December 2007.


Homeowner Directory – Dave Ellis reported that the directory data base has been updated with all entries to date, and will be completed as soon as the volunteers finish the canvassing of the outstanding seventy (70) homes. The remaining issue prior to soliciting bids from the printers is to find out how many people express interest in having advertisements for their businesses included in the directory. The Board discussed the cost for the ads. It was unanimously agreed to charge $250.00 for the back of the directory ad, $150.00 for the inside back and $75.00 for all inside advertisers. The board also agreed to include only advertisers to live in the community to avoid having to provide directory copies to non residents.

Dave Ellis informed the board that he had received a request to add a homeowners listing in street order as a cross reference in addition to the current alphabetical listing that is in the previous editions. Although this would increase the page count and printing cost, the board unanimously approved adding the cross reference to maximize the usefulness of the document to our residents.

Concern was expressed that not all residents who are in the 2004 directory and who had received a notice with their 2008 maintenance bill giving them until November 20 to provide any update might have opened their envelope and thus seen this notice (nor read it in the newsletter and on the web site). A motion was therefore made, seconded and passed with one abstention to wait until January 31, 2008 before sending the directories to the printers, thus allowing more time for these residents to provide their updated information.

Rules Document Update - Dave Ellis reported to the Board that the rules governing use of the tennis court, pool, and clubhouse are complete and have been sent to the Association attorney for filing.

Landscape Contract – The Board unanimously agreed to accept the new contract with IMS Landscape. The cost will be $28,759.78 for 42 trips a year. PCMI was instructed to contact IMS Landscape to instruct them that they are not to do any additional work without having it approved by Lance Gordon.

Lone Star Pool Information – The Board tabled this issue until Lance Gordon can discuss all pool issues with Lone Star Pool Company.

Tennis Court Improvements - Linda Moore reported she had purchased the new benches, and that they are in the storage room waiting to be assembled.  Lance Gordon reported he will obtain three (3) quotes for the tennis court resurfacing.

New Business

Clubhouse A/C and heating system Maintenance – Dave Ellis proposed that a status log be set up in the store room on which to record the A/C and heating maintenance activities. This would provide a timely reminder of when maintenance is due and tracking of when equipment was last serviced and by whom.  The Board agreed.  It was also decided that due to the light usage the filters will be changed once a quarter and both the A/C and the heating systems will be checked in April and October respectively of alternate years.

Architectural Guidelines Update – Dave Ellis reported he has completed the update of the Architectural Guidelines. The Board unanimously agreed that Dave Ellis should send this document to the Association attorney for recording with the other documents. It was agreed that if for legal reasons the attorney has some suggested wording changes that the Association will accept them.

Perimeter Fence Inspection – Lance Gordon reported that he has scheduled the next fence inspection for February, but will try and do it sooner if possible. 

Area Where Coke Machine was Located – Linda Moore stated that some people renting the clubhouse have commented that the area where the coke machine used to be located now looks very untidy. The tennis count rollers which, prior to redecorating, were stored in the ladies restroom are now stored (rather untidily) in this space. Linda asked if an inexpensive door could be hung over the equipment. This issue was tabled until the next meeting.
Meeting - The next meeting will be held January 15, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.

With no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.