Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

FEBRUARY 21, 2017
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 5:30 P.M. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.


Board Members present were: Floyd Ball, Dave Ellis, Jim Calvert, Larry Crain, and Katy Hall.
Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Crest Management, and Sheriff Officer Wilburn.

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:33p.m.  


There were three (3) homeowners present at the meeting. One homeowner who lives on the perimeter of the subdivision would like the section of perimeter fence bordering his home to be included in the fence replacement program. He has been told that the Association does not have an Easement Agreement on file for his property and he attended to formally request that such an easement be granted. The Board explained there are six (6) homeowners on the perimeter fence for which the Association has no easement agreement because these previous owners declined to accept the offer in 1993 and again when it was offered in 2011. This homeowner agreed to review his files to ascertain if he might have a copy of the agreement that hadn’t made it to the Association file. The Board deferred consideration of the request to the Executive session and thanked the homeowner for attending.

One resident stated he had recently used the clubhouse for a party and believes it to be an excellent facility for such functions and an asset to our community.


Officer Wilburn reported that there were no unusual problems during January and our community continues to enjoy a very low crime rate.


Dave Ellis presented a detailed report on the January 31, 2017 financials. As of January 31, 2017, the money in the bank totaled $745,670.91. This figure includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. The delinquency total as of January 31, 2017 was $127,846.83. 

He also reported that the Association has how been granted 501(c)(4) status and henceforth will be exempt from Sales tax.


Perimeter Fence - Floyd Ball informed the Board that with the exception of some minor finishing work the project to replace the sections of the perimeter fence that was contracted for this year has been completed. This leaves approximately 600 feet of fence between us and the Grand Parkway Apartments that was not included this year. The Association does not currently have an easement agreement for one section and no further fence work will be undertaken until the Grand Parkway apartment’s management can budget their share of the cost of the remainder, hopefully in 2018.

Clubhouse Safety Improvements Recommendations - Dave Ellis reported on the safety inspection that has been conducted at the clubhouse. The recommendations include installing smoke detectors in the kitchen and hallway and modifying the door from the big room to the pool area so that it can also serve as an emergency exit. Because this door gives access to the pool area, for safety reasons, an audible alarm will be fitted which if activated will sound when the door is opened and will continue to sound until an authorized Board member can be summoned to silence it with a key. Dave Ellis would handle this project for a cost not to exceed $350.00 and he made a motion that these recommendations, including the stipulation that unauthorized non-emergency opening of this door will be subject to a $100 fine, be accepted. Katy Hall seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Community Events - Anitra Ondrush was unable to attend the meeting but she requested that the Board allow her to spend up to $250.00 for a community Easter event. A motion to fund this expenditure was made by Dave Ellis, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.

Call for Candidates for April 18, 2017 Annual Meeting - The final date for candidates for a position on the Board to submit their names in time to be on the printed ballot will be March 3, 2017. Nominations can still be made from the floor of the meeting. Currently there are two confirmed candidates for the three vacancies. 

Annual Meeting Notices, Proxy, Ballot, and Pool Notice, Pool Tag Distribution - 

At this time the agenda was reorganized to discuss the subject that was posted as item 7D.

Letter Warning of Scam - 


Clubhouse Small Room HVAC System Replacement - Dave Ellis reported that the air-conditioner in the small clubroom has a leak that has caused all of the Freon to escape. This equipment is approximately 30 years old and uses R-22 coolant which is being phased out and very expensive. Replacing the evaporator and coil on this old equipment is not feasible so proposals were solicited for a replacement HVAC system. The Board reviewed three (3) proposed configurations with different SEER ratings for a 3 ton HVAC system with a 10KW heater: a Ruud, a Trane XR14 and a Trane XR 16. A motion to accept the 14 SEER Ruud offered by True Fix Air-Conditioning and Heating Company for a price of $5,212.00 was made by Dave Ellis, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved. Dave was asked to try and negotiate an extension of the labor warranty from one to five years.

Contract Renewal - The Board reviewed the new contract for 2017 mosquito spraying. The contract price increased by $1.00 per trip over last year. The contract begins April 1, 2017 and ends November 5, 2017. A motion to accept the Excalibur contract for a price of $66.00 per trip was made by Floyd Ball, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.

Other Business to Come Before the Board - Demand Letters for Delinquent Accounts - Floyd Ball explained that demand letters for homeowners who have not paid their 2017 maintenance assessments and are not on an approved authorized payment plan will have a demand letter sent after February 28, 2017 at an administrative cost of $30.00 to each of those accounts. Payment plans are not approved until a good faith payment or first payment has been received plus the administrative payment to Crest for the plan.

Sprinkler System at Entrance off Colonial Parkway - Larry Crain reported he had furnished PVC pipe to the County Contractor so that sleeves can be run underneath street before the new paving is put down at the Christopher Wren and Carters Grove entrances. This way the Association would not have to pay someone to bore under the street should we need to install future modifications or extensions to the sprinklers or lights. The Board thanked Larry Crain for handling this. The construction on Christopher Wren should be completed this week and will be followed by that on Carters Grove. 

Boy Scout Flags - The Board agreed they would like to continue to have the Boy Scouts put out flags at the clubhouse again this year. A motion to have the Boy Scouts continue to put up two flags at the clubhouse on holidays was made by Dave Ellis, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.


With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned into executive session at 6:40 p.m.

Decisions Made During Executive Session  

Hearing with Resident - The Board held a meeting with a homeowner regarding a structure on his property. The Board thanked the homeowner for attending the meeting and will convey a resolution to him.

Delinquencies - The Board discussed delinquencies. The demand letters will be sent on March 6, 2017.

Trash and recycle pick-up Services will be suspended soon after April 7, 2017 for those owners who have not paid their 2017 fees or entered into an approved written payment plan. Any who are delinquent on an existing payment plan may be suspended prior to that date.

Anyone delinquent after April 7, 2017 is subject to being referred to the attorney. The legal expenses multiply quickly, the Board strongly advises property owners to address their outstanding fees prior to this action becoming necessary.

Deed Restriction Enforcement - The Board unanimously agreed to turn three (3) accounts over to the Association attorney for legal enforcement action.

The Board reviewed and discussed the structure from the hearing. The Board unanimously agreed that approval for the structure is denied.

The Board discussed the request from the resident regarding perimeter fence easement. It was unanimously agreed the Board will seek legal advice on this matter and advise the property owner when the Board’s decision has been made.


The next Board meeting will be held on March 21, 2017 at the community clubhouse.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.