Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

JUNE 21, 2016
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 5:30 P.M. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.


Board Members present were Floyd Ball, Dave Ellis, Gail Owen, Martin Spears, Anitra Ondrush and Larry Crain. Also in attendance were Kelly Reznicek and Dina Defenbaugh representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI) and Sherriff Officer Chad King.

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.  


A motion to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2016 Board Meeting was made by Larry Cain, seconded by Mark Spears and unanimously approved.


There were no homeowners present.


Martin Spears reported that overall the subdivision is doing well with few incidents to report, but commented that there are still too many vehicles speeding through the subdivision. The security statistics for each month are posted on the web site for homeowners to review. 


Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of May 31, 2016 the money in the bank totaled $625,852.92. This figure includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. The delinquency total as of May 31, 2016 was $43,491.54. This amount includes maintenance fees, accrued interest, the cost of force mows and legal fees.


Splash Day and Parade Report - The May 30 Splash Day and the Veteran’s Parade that preceded it were well supported by our residents continuing the tradition that was started last year. Floyd Ball thanked Anitra Ondrush for her efforts in organizing these successful events. Anitra commented that next year she would like to increase participation further by increasing publicity with some professionally prepared signs. 

Swim Team Request for Drilling Flag Support Holes in Pool Deck - Dave Ellis presented the bid he had obtained for drilling the four holes requested by the swim team to support the poles to which the buntings are strung across the pool during swim team activities. These holes did exist previously but were filled in the last time the pool was re-plastered. Martin Spears raised the issue of whether a child could step onto the exposed holes and maybe sustain an injury unless these were covered when not in use. Martin took the assignment to pursue resolution with both the swim team representative and the contractor and to report his recommendation to the Board for approval.

Consideration of SPARK Park Donation Request - At the May meeting Anitra Ondrush had requested a donation from the HOA in support of the SPARK Park fund drive on the basis that this park will be a significant resource for our community. One opportunity would be for the Association to contribute a table or bench to the project, which would cost on the order of $1,500. Floyd Ball led the discussion emphasizing the way in which the HOA continues to support the park development. It hosted the initial information meeting and provides ongoing publicity on the project. But expressing the view that as there may be a need to increase the annual maintenance fee for 2017 and considering the high level of delinquencies as some residents are struggling to meet their existing financial commitments, that this does not seem like a good time for the Association to be donating money on behalf of all residents. As an alternative, Dave Ellis will send out an email to everyone on the email distribution list inviting residents to make their own contributions within the constraints of their individual budgets.

Other Old Business to come Before the Board

There was no additional Old Business at this time.


Recreation Area No-Weapon Signs - One resident had raised a question as to the placement and legal enforceability of the three No-Weapons signs that have been installed in the clubhouse area. Floyd Ball proposed an alternative approach which would re-site the existing signs to make them more legally enforceable and to allow the concealed carrying of weapons in certain parts of our recreation area.

The counter argument was made that the intent of the signs is not legal enforcement, but rather notification to our residents of the desire to make the whole area a weapon-free zone as is the school. After some contentious discussion a motion to leave the signs in their current positions was made by Martin Spears, seconded by Gail Owen and approved by five of the Board members with one member abstaining.

Review of Security Guard criteria for Clubhouse Rentals - Dave Ellis brought up for discussion the existing clubhouse rental policy regarding one of the conditions requiring the presence of a security guard. Currently a guard is required for a rental party that exceeds 50 persons and continues after 6:00 PM. He pointed out that there are many cases in which parties such as baby showers or church groups require a rental under these conditions and the increased cost to hire a guard make the rental unviable. Dave Ellis made a motion that the requirement for a security guard for this specific condition be removed (one guard still being required for parties with 20 or more attendees between the ages of 13 and 21 unaccompanied by their family members and two guards being required if alcohol is to be served). Martin Spears seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.  

Damage to a Resident’s Electric Supply Cable - As this situation was time-critical it was resolved by a majority of the Board members via an email vote.

Any New Business to come Before the Board

Clubhouse Rentals - Martin Spears brought up a request that he has received for a Morton Ranch School group to meet at the clubhouse every Wednesday night during the school year at no charge. Dave Ellis was concerned about the precedent that would be set by allowing one group free access to the clubhouse while requiring other groups to pay. He did point out that the fee structure is basically set up for single event rentals, and maybe the Board could consider a discount if such a group wanted to contract for use of the room on a given night for a program spanning a number of weeks (like a school term). Martin Spears took the action to formulate a specific proposal to present to the Board for its consideration at a subsequent meeting.

Tree Trimming - The large tree at the SE corner of the clubhouse car park has branches hanging so low that many vehicles are unable to use the parking space beneath it. Larry Crain has discussed this problem with Juan Garcia, who does a lot of our tree work, and Juan recommends that both the branch overhanging the car park and the opposing branch should be removed to keep the tree in balance. His price for doing this, and for picking up a branch that has blown off another tree along Colonial Parkway, would be $350.00. Floyd Ball made a motion to have Larry Crain authorize Juan to proceed with this project. The motion was seconded by Martin Spears and unanimously approved.

Pool - Dave Ellis presented two bids from A-Beautiful. The first is to replace a broken foot board on one of the lifeguard stands at a price of $785.80. The second is that one of the black steps on this same stand has a crack and needs replacing. As these steps are now only available in white, and they are all of the same age, he recommended that all four be replaced at the same time. A-Beautiful’s price for this replacement would be $483.60. Floyd Ball made a motion that both these bids be accepted. This motion was seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved.

Dave Ellis brought up for discussion that one of the pool light is out and both it and the GCFI breakers in the panel supplying this and one other light are broken and also need replacing. After discussion with the A-Beautiful maintenance manager it was agreed that the most economical approach would be for Dave to purchase the replacement light and have it and the new breakers installed by Kevin Wendt of Wendt Electric. The repairs need to be done before July 6, 2016 to be ready for the swim team end-of-season party. Dave Ellis made the motion that this approach be followed. Larry Crain seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. 

2015 Audit, Tax Return and 2016/2017 Insurance - Dave Ellis reported that he has finished his review of the 2015 audit report and tax return and has given his approval to both. There are no taxes that need to be paid for 2015. He also reported that he has renewed the Association insurance for 2016/1017. Excluding the Workers Compensation and Security policies which are renewed on a different schedule, the increase is $456 or 2.79%.

National Night Out - National Night Out will be held October 4, 2016. Anitra Ondrush has completed the registration and kits are being mailed. Anitra would like to have a meeting for residents to do planning and recruit volunteers after next Board meeting. Martin Spears has volunteered to be a part of this group.


The meeting was adjourned into executive session at 6:36 P.M.


As of July 1, 2016 Kevin Atkinson of Texas Pride Disposal Solutions will be taking over our trash and recycling service from WCA. Part of this contract will be a suspension of service to homeowners who are delinquent on their accounts and are not on a payment plan. Once a resident does bring his or her account into good standing the trash service will be reestablished within 10 days. PCMI will provide a weekly trash suspension list to Texas Pride.

The Board gave unanimous approval that after July 1, 2016 all delinquent accounts, on which proper notice has been given and the resident is not on a payment plan, will be send to the attorney for collection.

Deed Restriction Violations

Gloria Black, the PCMI property manager who as of June 27 will take Dolores Sue’s place managing our account will resume the previous monthly inspection schedule which was delayed this month during the transition to the new manager.

PCMI is to contact Larry Crain with any force mows required.

Cracked Foundation on Hallway to Restrooms

Dave Ellis reported that there is a foundation problem in the hallway to the restrooms which is causing cracks in the wall and difficulties with the operation of the Small Room door. This will be looked at further with a view to obtaining a repair estimate prior to the September budget meeting.


The next Board meeting will be held on July 19, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement Clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:54 P.M.