Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

SEPTEMBER 15, 2015
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of Planned Community Management, 15995 N. Barkers Landing, Houston, Texas 77449.


Board Members present were Gail Owens, Walt Smith, Floyd Ball, Dave Ellis, Michael Wood, Larry Crain and Martin Spears. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.  


The minutes of the August 18, 2015 Board Meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Dave Ellis and unanimously approved.

There were no homeowners present.  


Baby Pool and Pool Deck Sun Shades - This decision was deferred until an inspection can be conducted of an installation similar to the product that is being proposed.

Tennis Court Sun Shade Refurbishment/Replacement - This was deferred until a decision on the pool area shades has been made.

Replacement of Pool Drinking Fountain - Dave Ellis reported he had received bids for either a turn-key replacement of the broken clubhouse water fountain, or for just for the installation of a unit purchased by the Association. As he has located a suitable unit on-line at a lower price that which is in the turn-key bid, he recommended that we accept the bid for the installation only. A motion was made by Walt Smith to approve the replacement of the water fountain based on the Association’s on-line purchase of the unit and its installation by a by a contractor, total price not to exceed $2,200.00. The motion was seconded by Michael Wood and unanimously approved.

Cladding on Canopy Posts /Clubhouse Painting - The Board discussed proposals received for the re-cladding of the posts on both the pool and clubhouse canopies, and for the painting of the clubhouse. A motion was made by Martin Spears to have the work performed but to exclude the interior hall Hardie Plank walls as these were repainted relatively recently and that the work to be completed at a total price not to exceed $5,500.00. The motion was seconded by Walt Smith and unanimously approved. 


Decision Made by Unanimous Vote Approval since the August 18, 2 015 meeting - The Board ratified the following unanimous decisions made by the directors after the August 18, 2015 meeting:

1.Franz Road Fence Repair - The acceptance of a bid for the immediate replacement of 349 ft. (three hundred and forty nine feet) of perimeter fence along Franz road that was falling and required immediate attention. The bid was from J.J. Garcia.

2.Perimeter Fence Replacement - Approval to proceed with the replacement of major sections of the original perimeter fence, initially along the major roads bordering our subdivision. It was agreed that bids be sought for the replacement of up to 6,000 ft., the length depending on the best price per foot obtainable for such a major project. This project will be funded from the fence reserve account.

Cutting Brush and mowing 6’ (Six Feet) along Mason Creek for Fence Repair - Before the volunteer fence repair task force is able to inspect and perform minor repairs along the Mason Creek section of the perimeter fence, long grass, brush and some small trees need to be removed. The Board has obtains a quotation of $650.00 from J.J Garcia for performing this task. A motion to accept this contract was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Michael Wood and unanimously approved.

Approval of National Night Out Expenditures - Michael Wood sought Board approval for the following expenditures as part of the October 6 National Night Out celebrations: Bayou City 7 piece band - $700, Comedian - $200, Rental of Inflatables - $329.30. A motion to approve these expenditures was made by Walter Smith, seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved.

The Board conducted a review of the projected expenditures presented that were included in the draft budget for 2016. After some changes, a motion to approve the amended budget was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Michael Wood and unanimously approved.  

2016 Assessment Rate

While the budget does show a deficit the Board unanimously agreed that the maintenance fee should stay at its current level for an additional year. Therefore the 2016 Assessment will remain at $700.00 per residence.

The Board would like the notices to be mailed by mid November 2015 and will prepare a letter to be inserted with the invoice explaining the Board’s decision.

2016 Reserve Study

Dave Ellis requested approval of the 2016 update to the Association’s reserve study which had been previously sent to the Board members for their review. Board approval is necessary prior to it being given to the auditor for inclusion in the 2015 audit. A motion to approve the updated reserve study as presented was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Martin Spears and unanimously approved.


At 6:25 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to executive session

Decisions Made During Executive Session

The Board reviewed all delinquencies, including those accounts that have been sent to the Association attorney for collection. There may be at least one more account that will need to be sent to the attorney in September.

The Board reviewed all deed restriction matters and disposition of same.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. 

The next meeting will be October 20, 2015 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Association clubhouse.