Perimeter Fence
Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

Some background:

Responsibility for the perimeter fence was assumed by the Board in 1992 by a vote of the Association Membership and via a legal process that lasted a few years in which all but a very few residents who lived around our perimeter signed fence easement agreements. The purpose of this transfer of responsibility was to ensure that a fence would be erected that was uniform in design and would be maintained to a consistent standard thus protecting the aesthetic appeal and hence property values of the neighborhood for the benefit of all residents.

For the last few years prior to the recent replacement program the fence was maintained on an as-needed basis by a group of volunteers, and when hurricane Ike struck in 2008, 2,846 linear feet was completely replaced.

By late 2015 it was realized that so much of the remaining initial fence had deteriorated to the point at which piecemeal repair was no longer practical a major replacement program was needed. This was begun in 2015 and all but a few sections that are shared by the Grand Parkway Senior Apartments was completed in the early part of 2017. These sections last sections were replaced in 2019.

Routine Maintenance Issues:

The Board regularly mows a tract around the outside of the fence to control external vegetation growth, but the major cause of deterioration of the fence is the growth of vegetation, including some trees, within the 5 foot Association easement along the inside of the fence line. Residents whose yards have a boundary with the perimeter fence are asked to continually inspect their vegetation and remove all that which is causing damage to this fence both above and below ground. There are many situations in which roots are causing a lot of damage. This action will ensure that the resident will remain in compliance with the easement agreements that were signed by the then owners of these homes and recorded in 1993 when the Board assumed responsibility for maintenance of this fence as mentioned above. These agreements in addition to other responsibilities require that the resident does not cause damage to the fence. If when inspecting their section of the fence a resident notes a problem they are encouraged to report it using the Fence Repair Request form, so that Board can arrange for the needed repair without delay.

Closing comments:

The Board works very hard to maintain the subdivision and its amenities to as high a standard as possible while continuing to control our annual maintenance fees. To this end it does appreciate the efforts of residents living along the perimeter of our subdivision in helping arrest deterioration of this fence and thus extending the time before the next replacement becomes necessary.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Your Board of Directors
Fence Repair Request
Phographs of new fence construction
Outer Detail 1
Outer Detail 2
Inner Detail 1
Inner Detail 2
Ownership Details of Tracts Outside of our Perimeter Fence
End of Page
Some Statistics

Perimeter Fence built in 1992 time period ( Phase 1-5)                       13,674 ft

Replaced by Insurance in 2008 and some in 2011                                 3,032 ft
Fence replaced in  2016                                                                       10,404 ft

Approximate perimeter fence section lengths:

Colonial Parkway                  2,641 ft
Mason Creek                        3,172 ft
West Side                             2,322 ft
Franz Road                           2,512 ft
Fogle/ Franz Plaza               1,205 ft
Mason Road                         1,823 ft
Total                                    13,674 ft

No Easement Agreements were found for 6 residents along the perimeter Fence, one with zero distance, one where the Association offset and built on Association property (Colonial Parkway) and the other 4 where residents have built their own fences.
Perimeter Fence Repair Forms
Perimeter Fence Easements
Fence Materials Request