Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

The Annual Meeting of Member of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.

Board Members present were: Floyd Ball, Dave Ellis, Jim Calvert, Anitra Ondrush, and Katy Hall.

Board Members absent were: Larry Crain and Martin Spears

Also in attendance was Cindy Bojé, representing Crest Management, and Deputies Chad King and Wayne Felchak with the Sheriff’s office.

A quorum was qualified by representation in person and/or by proxy of one hundred eighty (180) members. With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 7:01 P.M.  


The minutes from the March 21, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting were presented, and a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the minutes as written.


Floyd Ball, informed the Members of a Board approval via email regarding an electrical repair. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to ratify the email vote to approve Donald Electric at a price of $2,377.50 to perform restoration of the electrical supply to both Carters Grove and Christopher Wren entrances following the severing of the previous cables by the contractor while replacing the paving at these two entrances. The County is not responsible for repairs to such services which are on their easements.


Dave Ellis informed the Members of an error on the voting ballot. The ballot stated the Members could only vote for one candidate, however that was incorrect and homeowners were able to vote for a total of three (3) candidates.


After the announcements, the next item on the agenda was the election of three (3) directors each to serve a three (3) year term. There were three (3) candidates on the ballot, Chris Cox, Ed Shipley, and Lisa Zirot. The floor was opened for nominations. There were no further nominations from the floor and a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to close nominations from the floor. With no further nominations, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to elect the three candidates by acclamation. 


The next item on the agenda was the Association financial report which was included in the members’ packets. This was presented by Dave Ellis, the Treasurer. He discussed the financial results for 2016. The Association was over-budget in the maintenance category, however he explained that this was because of unanticipated costs to provide a second power washing of the tennis courts to remove persistent mildew that was causing a safety issue; repair and replacement and subsequent testing of all five sprinkler backflow preventers to provide the MUD with the test reports they had requested, failure to provide which would have resulted in a cut-off of the water supply; replacing some lifeguard stand steps; re-strapping of pool chaise lounges and the detection and repair of 15 leaks in the pool. In addition, the Board elected to spend roughly $15,000 from the operating reserve to improve the car park drainage system; complete the landscaping around the clubhouse that was begun in 2015; and replacing gutters along the front of the building with a design that precludes the need for constant cleaning to remove pine needles.


Floyd Ball, introduced Kevin Atkinson, owner of Texas Pride. At this time, Floyd allowed Members to address any questions they had regarding trash services. Members inquired whether a larger recycle bin was available. Kevin stated for a fee of $75, members could contact Texas Pride’s office and request a 65-gallon cart.

Floyd Ball also introduced Deputies Chad King and Wayne Felchak. Floyd allowed Members to address any questions they had regarding security patrol. Members inquired if patrol vehicles were marked and the response was, no, they are not. Floyd reminded members that they should report any suspicious activity or incidents that they encounter to the authorities as soon as possible so that they can be to be dealt with in a timely manner. Reports of police matters can be made via 911 for emergencies or to the sheriff’s office line for non-emergencies.  


At this time, there was a general question and answer period. Questions and answers were given during Community Operations. One resident inquired whether their annual HOA assessment could be escrowed into their mortgage. Floyd requested that Cindy Bojé look into this.  

The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. and those residents interested were invited to stay to attend to a Board meeting to immediately follow at which Association officers would be elected.

The elected positions are as follows:

President – Katy Hall
Vice President – Chris Cox
Secretary/Treasurer – Dave Ellis
Director – Jim Calvert
Director – Ed Shipley
Director – Lisa Zirot
Director – Martin Spears

ARC Chair – Ed Shipley
Deed Restriction and Yard-of-the-Month Chair – Jim Calvert
Community Events & Social Media Chair – Lisa Zirot
Security and Patrol Chair – Martin Spears
Meeting Signs Chair – Ed Shipley
Landscape Committee Co-Chair – Dave Ellis & Lisa Zirot 

(Subsequent to the meeting Ed Shipley also agreed to handle perimeter fence maintenance).


The next Board meeting will be held on May 16, 2017 at the community clubhouse.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M.